
Having identification is a crucial part of adulting. After all, you can't drive, make large purchases, or cross borders without one! Different forms of identification are required for different things, and information about all of them can be found on your state’s website. Some examples of ID types include:

  1. Driver’s License: This plastic card allows you to drive, and is usually accepted as a standard form of ID.
  2. State ID: This card looks similar to a driver’s license, but it does not allow you to operate a vehicle.
  3. Passport: This book-like document allows you to travel internationally. As a bonus, they are great souvenirs because you can collect visas and border stamps in the pages!
  4. Social Security Card: This card has a number on it that is assigned to you (usually) at birth. This number is very important, and must never be shared or leaked. Your SSC allows you to access government programs, and without it you will be unable to get any of the above identification types.