
Oh, cleaning. We’ve all been doing it since we started helping around the house as little kids, and yet no one really knows what to do! How often am I supposed to change my sheets? What product should I use to clean the microwave? Do I really need to change my own air filter?

The following timeline graphic may help you figure out when to do what:

Cleaning Schedule

This list of cleaning products will help you figure out how to stock your cleaning arsenal:

List of Cleaning Supplies

From there, it’s all about finding what works for you and the people you live with! Divide up the cleaning tasks in a way that makes sense to all residents, and then make sure you actually stick to it. For example, in my apartment I am always in charge of vacuuming, mopping, and sweeping, while one of my roommates always does the dishes. There is no easy formula for these divisions of labor, you have to just find what works. Having a clean space sets your mind up to be calm.