face care
Our page talks about the importance of knowing your skintype when approaching facecare. Every skin type needs some type of moisturizing and cleansing care, however, the methods and products you will incorporate into your face care routine vary based on the composition of your skin. Skin types range from dry, oily, combination, and normal. It is vital to understand what category your skin falls under to best care for it. One’s skin type is dependent on the amount of sebum or oil produced by your skin. But, how can you determine which skin type you have?
body care
Body care is just as crucial as face care, so we also break down how to best care for your body. A proper moisturizering and exfoliating routine can help maintain skin tightness and smooth texture, which in turn combats agaging. Using moisturizers that specifically target restoring the skin barrier can help retain moisture and keep skin looking youthful. Exfoliating can help with ridding of dead skin and karitin build-up.